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We saw that defining art by words was difficult.We can say that for architecture too that it is pretty difficult to talk what it is and also to give a definition. Some might ask the same question about poetry and still find it hard to give an answer.

Architecture is for sure based on building, but it has still more than that.

Jackson,a british architect cities the word of John Ruskin who says:"so we see that architecture is nothing but ornament added to building." Also Fergusson says that "architecture commences when some embellishment is added to the building which was not strictly a structural necessity.But Jackson doesn't agree with them neither do I.

On the other hand we have Vitruvius definition who says :"ARCHITECTURE is a science involving much discipline or mental training and deep thinking of various kinds so that by its judgement all work done by the other arts have to be tried and approved."This meaning that you have to have knowledge of practical building + application of the theory of reasoning.

the also should be some discipline meaning that you have to practice supported and guided by theory

There is a difference between mere building and architecture. How did we get from one to the other.Changes were made in suggestion of necessity and convenience.Firstly it was a necessity for people and that's how it all started. People by raising a mere building to architecture they raised building into a category of Art. All around the world we have simple building constructions from the past that they are raised by reason science even into an ART in fact into ARCHITECTURE. This reason might by geometry mathematics astronomy or mechanical skills.But there are also for example the ancient ornamental arts of painting and sculpture,decorated cave walls etc but this in no architecture.But with the time passing construction demanded something new that gave pleasure to the eye that's why capitals took new form where the structural forms were considered in terms of space proportions.

Let's come to our question again:WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE?

We can say for sure that ARCHITECTURE does not consist in beautifying buildings,but in building beautifully.ARCHITECTURE IS THE POETRY OF CONSTRUCTION.


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