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In the last lecture we talked about scale and proportions ant there importance in architecture.These two help us set a relationship between two sets of dimensions ,they refer to a mathematical relation and harmonious one between elements.

In terms of scale we have the VISUAL AND HUMAN SCALE.Something that really got my attention was the human scale how it was based on the dimensions and proportions of the human body and how the form's size was compared to our size. Also how we can compare the size of a space or its elements with our own size for example the windows and the doors.

What's more interesting is haw architects from way back in the history have used a proportional system to help with the perception of the buildings.

Here we can mention GOLDEN SECTION known also as golden man etc ,MODULOR AND ANTROPOMETRY which we discussed in our class.

I didn't have the knowledge that the golden section could be found in nature such as flowers ,animals let alone human being.LEONARDO DA VINCI was one of the firsts who studied this proportional system and he used the vitruvian man -the ideal man to show the golden section,but we can find this system in his painting too(The last supper)+,where we the the perfect divisions of each section of the painting making it look balanced from the outside look.

There are a lot of building around the world that are build by putting into use the golden section like Notre dame in Paris ,The parthenon

We can also mention the compariSon of the VILLA FOSCARI OF PALLADIO AND VILLA GARCHES OF LE COBUSIER which have the same system used in the building plan but belong to different eras.

I learned something know about the famous architect LE CORBUSIER who developed the theory of modulor which makes me understand how o lot of object and buildings are designed based on the human proportions and their benefit to human beings for example the height of the armchair is the way it is because the human proportions is taken into consideration.

Antropometry was another proportional method used in the past taking reference from the human organs as standard dimensions.

In a way or another with all of this new information which i completely agree with it makes it more easier for me to understand how some parts of the building process is done ,which methods are use and why and most importantly what function do they have considering the human beings.

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